Practice Hours & Contact Details
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Your dental practice in the heart of Munich
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• The practice is located in the ‘Betten Rid Haus’, 4th Floor
Please use the lift in the ‘Betten Rid’ department store or the lift in the entrance located in Schrammerstrasse to the right of the ‘Betten Rid’ arcade.

• U-Bahn station Marienplatz / Exit Weinstrasse
• S-Bahn station Marienplatz / Exit Weinstrasse
• Tram Line 19 / Tramstop Theatinerstrasse

• Short-term parking is located in Schrammerstrasse,

• Car parks – a city map highlighting all car parks can be found on our website under ‘Opening Times and Contact Details’. The closest car park is the Opera car park in Maximillianstrasse. Going through the ‘Perusa’ arcade and the ‘Betten Rid’ arcade into ‘Betten Rid Haus’ will avoid you getting soaked if it rains.

• Taxis can be found directly in front of the surgery in Schrammerstrasse or alternatively in front of the delicatessen ‘Dallmayr’ in Dienerstrasse or in front of the ‘Bayerischer Hof’ hotel on the Promenadenplatz.

• Disabled parking can be found directly in front of our entrance in Schrammerstrasse. A lift for the disabled is also available.

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     Sitemap      Provider Information
  Praxis Dr. Tilo Bartels,  Theatinerstraße 47,  Betten Rid Haus am Marienhof,  Fon +49 89 - 2 99 99 1,  email: