Case Studies – Patients share their experiences
Titeltext T. Bartels
Your dental practice in the heart of Munich
    Introduction   Missing front tooth – single tooth implant   Sport accident with loss of back teeth – immediate load implant with crowns   Missing side teeth
Permanent teeth replacements on implants

Loss of teeth due to gum disease, bone regeneration and teeth maintenance
Permanent teeth replacements on implants

  Complete loss of teeth due to gum disease
Permanent teeth replacements on implants

  Toothless upper jaw
Four implants – removable tooth replacement

Implant Information
Case Studies
Team & Practice
Patient Forms

No half measures . . .

Mr. Hans-Joachim Ross, 61 years, Munich

For most of the time, I was very happy with my dentures.
However, they became uncomfortable when the fitment became unstable due to the loss of some of my molars.
So I enquired with friends and acquaintances about the various other possibilities and this was when I heard about implants for the first time and also about Dr. Bartels.
Straight away I made my first consultation appointment, which carried no obligation. Dr. Bartels discussed in detail the various possibilities with me – from removable, implant-supported tooth replacements through to permanent tooth replacements.
It was quickly apparent to me that I didn’t want to do things in half measures anymore. I therefore decided to go for extensive treatment, namely for the permanent denture. In real terms that meant ten implants in the upper jaw, five in the lower and the restoration of my own teeth in the lower jaw area.

Hans-Joachim Ross

Once the decision had been made we developed a time schedule together as the implantation process happens over several stages.
In the first treatment session, following a local anaesthetic five implants were secured into the lower jaw and a surgical treatment of gum disease to improve the bone density was carried out. It took a long time but could thankfully be done all in one go. In the second session the upper right jaw got five implants and two weeks later the upper left got the same treatment.

Whilst the implants were settling into my jaw, I was supplied with temporary dentures. Of course, at the beginning, chewing was not easy and I lost a few kilos – which made my GP very happy. Once the implants had settled and could serve as the “synthetic roots” for the tooth replacements, I was overjoyed.

I was also happy that Dr. Bartels was able to keep my own front teeth in my lower jaw. As I suffered from gum disease and the jawbone was already infected, loss of teeth was imminent. With surgical treatment of gum disease and a controlled regeneration of the jawbone, degeneration could be stopped and my teeth firmly secured. During the whole treatment, one thing was particularly important to me: having complete trust in my dentist.

All in all, I must say that I have never regretted my decision to have implants. On the contrary, I would make the decision again to have them. It is hard to describe the feeling of having a permanent denture - without wanting to mention how good it looks! In order to maintain my implants, and my own teeth for as long as possible, I visit Dr. Bartel’s surgery on a bimonthly basis to see a hygienist.

     Sitemap      Provider Information
  Praxis Dr. Tilo Bartels,  Theatinerstraße 47,  Betten Rid Haus am Marienhof,  Fon +49 89 - 2 99 99 1,  email: